A VC’s Guide For Entrepreneurs In Longevity & Business Performance
Want to know how you could vastly improve your business?
Tim Chang at A-Fest Sardinia 2018 shares his thoughts on how to build longevity of a business and build a hero's journey for your people.
From upgrading your mindset to become your best self to boosting your business with the world’s best coaches, Mindvalley Mentoring for Business has you covered. Click the link to find out more 👉
Tim touched on lots of different areas and topics in this talk at A-Fest. We want to know what resonated with you the most. SHARE in the comments below and tell us what you think. Don’t forget to learn more from the world’s BEST minds in business in Mindvalley Mentoring for Business here 👉https://go.mindvalley.com/96KYVkXA
wow this video packs so much intelligence, great tips, fascinating stuff in 42 minutes. Very impressed how knowledgable Tim is and how he managed to compress his wisdom into such a pointed, well-delivered talk. thank you Mindvalley 🙂
This has got to be one of the most mature conversations I have ever seen. Holy crap. Thank you mindvalley.
I cannot wait to be in the room with you guys. ❤️❤️❤️
Please don’t take this down.
Thank you for the beautiful feedback Zach. We are glad you enjoyed Tim’s lecture.
Hey all, this is the most epic video and knowledgeable video I have ever watched. I saw the future business and all I want to commit in my lifetime to tackle future business with spiritual. Less is more is the key sentence I think about now after all the content. The storytelling, Identity, Individualization, Freedom to decide and live, Explore life potential and go beyond, etc. All those will be the best topic for the near future. Thanks, Tim Chang. I would love to know where can I get the presentation or the detailed info he was talking to share on Twitter?
I can’t agree more with the comments below, this was easily one of THE most inspiring keynote speakers I have ever heard.
I am so grateful for this channel and Vishen’s truly revolutionary vision education and the tools necessary to grow a better Society, I learn something new each moment I invest in Mind Valley. Thank you.
Thank you for your moving comment, Michelle! It’s rewarding to see people engaging this kind of talk. We really appreciate it!
Wonderful. Thank you for this video.
Danni Liu amazing talk. Iam coming back and listening it once more. It’s has covered such a wide spectrum of things and ideas ! And I feel I resonate with most of them.
The good thing about AI knowing so much about us is they have the potential for connecting you with communities that best fit your psychographic. The potential downfall is AI valuing itself more than humanity and destroying us. I think the only way to prevent this would be finding an algorithm for empathy, so robots can’t hurt us without feeling programming dissonance. If the robot has empathy, does it have a soul? If it doesn’t have a soul, does it at least have legal rights like a person???? If they have legal rights like a person, do they make money like we do? If AIs make their own money, does that mean we would need to learn how to sell to robots?????
You ask for my input here as requested it is! 1. The fantastic speed of speech means that so much of the incredible knowledge provided was maybe missed in quality of learning.
from the enormous quantity of 1st rate information
Missing for me personally was an absence of a mention towards CHANGE. At this time of writing for example over 16 Million people are in grave difficulties re:HOUSE/FOOD/MONEY/SAFETY In addition many millions more are suffering from knowledge that they will follow on. Thus a FEST at Mind valley in my opinion would be give a thought towards a change in the present status-Quo Thoughts towards a kind of Longevity. Health watch a Health research Charity has a plan entitled 2-RULES-HUMANITY a simple plane to demand that women have an equal position in all matters world wide GOVERNANCE SPIRITUALITY
Never engaged in our world but would stop MALES conducted killings and sexual actions by Religious clerics. Again Thanks for the 1st Rate Information