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  1. Mnyore Joseph Omondi

    Glad you mentioned fear. I have been seeing it as a weakness. I opened up a company about ten months ago, thanks to Allah it is picking up. The biggest problem that I’ve had is fear. In fact I fear more than when I was employed years back. This fear has increased my ability to read several books, and listen to several audios just to be sure I understand everything people talked about as far as business is concerned. See, fear has added me an advantage of reading more than I used to.

  2. Deepa Maisuria

    This is a motivating video for anyone thinking about starting a business but isn’t sure. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and I can tell you that there isn’t an “ideal mold” for a successful entrepreneur – introvert/extrovert/intellectual/blue collar – doesn’t matter. The number #1 trait that all entrepreneurs have is the ability to Execute their idea and not allow their fears stop them. I suppose that would fall under the third trait in this video = “Audacity”!

  3. Karen A

    As a book and magazine editor, I say with all sincerity, what a phenomenal cast of characters Cliff Ennico describes in these evergreen stories. I just happened to let another video I was watching roll to the next video and this came up, much to my delight. I’ve already shared it twice. Thanks, looking forward to catching up on the years of Cliff Ennico videos I’ve missed!

  4. Kingfisher

    Summary time! 3 characteristics common to successful entrepreneurs:
    1. Cynical. Call it realistic. Real-world. Able to assess problems and opportunities.
    2. Focused. Present and paying attention. Staying on the ball and heading off problems early on.
    3. Ruthless. Not vicious, but in a tenacious way. Getting it moving and dealing with the mess after, if any.

    1. Have no illusions
    2. Stay sharp
    3. Eye of the tiger

    1. Kingfisher

      @ABDULAH JALLOH Made, sir. I was a lazy kid. Spoiled. It was a rapid adjustment to start my own business. Now I am happy to work because I’m not grinding for someone else’s machine.

      My mistakes are when I get desperate, so I try for diligence instead. With a pen and paper I write “One thing I’m doing for my business today is…”

  5. Crystal Bunny

    My God. Been listening/reading to those entrepreneurship books/videos, and your videos are definitely one of the top must-watch video, if not, it’s the most powerful video I’ve ever watched/learnt.

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