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The Founder Movie | Motivational Movie | Entrepreneur movie

Ray, a salesman, meets the owners of McDonald, a burger joint in Southern California. He realizes the potential of the place and decides to make it the biggest restaurant business in the world.

#Thefounder #thefoundermovie #Enterpreneurmovie #businessmovie #McDonaldmovie



  1. Low Tide Health Services

    There was serous greed there from Ray, but then again I respect a man who takes opportunity when he sees one. We probably wouldn’t be knowing about Mcdonald s today because brothers were not going to expand

    1. Ahmed Ragab

      Yes, but don’t you see the wife was already into him 🤔 wasn’t his mistake alone, she left her door open while she has a husband already. The wife is not a toy to steal she was free to shut him off her life.

  2. Zori Shiv

    You are not succeed Ray. You lost real one. Who remember you its a name macdonald. Macdonald earned it after death as well. You thought its you no one remember you and people will always remember macdonald. Everyone know Macdonald ( founder name) and not you.

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