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Top 10 Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs

Part of 2010 Conference on Entrepreneurship.
What things typically trip up an entrepreneur in starting and running a company? Is it getting the right business partner? Is it having the killer technology? How does one recover from major setbacks? A panel of seasoned entrepreneurs, angels, venture capitalists, and board members discuss the common pitfalls most new entrepreneurs encounter when building their businesses.

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  1. Anders

    I love what one of the participants said: “Something’s broken that you wanna fix, or because something doesn’t exist that you think should exist.” Most old-school business people talk about how there MUST be a PROBLEM to solve for there to be a business! Wrong. It doesn’t need to be a problem to solve in order to create a business. An opportunity in not necessarily the same thing as solving a problem.

  2. Frenchy Bunny

    I love many things in this conference. I went through so many tough moments that I guess I relate easily to all these experiences. I particularly like what the guy says around 0:27 0:28, when there is nobody left around you.

  3. 1blu21blu1

    I appreciated the different perceptions and experiences….This particular video opened my mind to the possibility of success even with different points of views and attributes. At the core though, remained certain aspects that seemed to be generally agreed on as necessary in the entrepreneurial process. This was Good.

  4. simon de pinna

    The video never really talks about mistakes made by entrepreneurs, which is a pity, but that doesn’t stop this being one of the best hour’s worth of video you’ll ever watch if you’re a start up or considering launching one.

  5. jazevox

    worth the time listening to this one hour video, so many helpful insights that may help you, or me with some of the questions and uncertainties lingering in our minds trying to take this journey of entrepreneuship..

  6. AddOptions

    I really enjoyed this presentation. The title is a bit of a misnomer, but the material covered was well worth the listen. It’s interesting to compare the way the various panelists speak about business as compared with educators. Experience makes a difference.

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