Malcolm Gladwell: What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Underdogs
Check out the business lessons New Yorker staff writer and best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell had to share in 2015 with Inc.'s Issie Lapowsky while promoting his book, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants.
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What an amazing gift to the world Malcolm Gladwell is. So humble and clever.
Failing is just a way to learn. Are you looking for a personal assistant, Malcolm?
I have a child with a NVLD. I tell him his disability is his Superpower. Those with disabilities have a brain that thinks differently than the mainstream brain. In some ways, this can be a real advantage! Keep up the great work, Malcolm!
Phenomenal interview! Mr. Gladwell is a thought leader – his ideas are very insightful.
Thank you for your inquisitive nature! I love the way your mind works and love that you write about it! Keep up the great work, Mr. Gladwell! Thank you!
Love it Mr. Gladwell, keep up the good work!
This guy is insanely talented. I’ll read anything he writes.
@AlumniQuad yo my man who dat be?
@Mister Tibbs Also reminiscent of Clayton Christensen’s _The Innovator’s Dilemma_
@Mister Tibbs the bomber mafia is his way of deviating.
1 year check. Robert, hope you had time to read some of his books.
Best wishes
My favourite book from him is “What the dog saw”. The chapter on Ketchup is amazing.
Malcolm Gladwell, I’d like to thank you for being bright enough and willing to do so much for others.
27:38 = Entrepreneurs being overconfident, “usefully deluded” haha! Love that phrase! Great talk, thank you!
See also the “reality distortion field” described in Walter Isaacson’s _Steve Jobs_
my last 2 jobs before I entered the corporate world were in small businesses run by entrepreneurs who were so unbelievably over confident it was mind blowing. They were fucking useless at everything but self promotion and were in love with themselves, yet… they were really successful (if off the back of talented workers).
Wow!!!! This is so enlightening
Thank you for the information.
16:26 “I made friends with the smartest kid in the class and basically convinced him to do my homework for me.”
16:33 “So what are they learning at that age?”
How to manipulate others. How to get something valuable for free. How to lie convincingly in such a way as to construct a web of lies that are either mutually consistent or too much work for others to call them out on.
Very interesting. Some initial critcisms. “Desirable” outcomes needs to be tighter defined. Desirable for personal success maybe but is it really desirable to put adversity into peoples life? such as early death of parents and large class sizes. As you say yourself it needs a multi variant context of success social support systems such as positive grandparents, a friend who will cheat for you, firm socio economic position etc etc. That which is economically desirable may not be ethically desirable. Fracking for instance has massive social and community costs with short term financial gain for a few followed by a bust. Does that make it “desirable”? I think society needs to be very careful of the what it assumes to be desirable. Ethics seems to be strangely absent from this behavior. Cheating to win is probably not a great idea in the long term due to people figuring out who is cheating.
removes the fog from you head….we all are intelligent if we want. Thanks Malcolm
Disagreeable mavericks who don’t care what others think? Sounds like Asperger’s to me! Autism lite is a super power when coupled with high intelligence, courage, discipline, creativity and ambition
Thanks a lot man!
He is an excellent social scientist before a good journalist.