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Top 10 Movies for Entrepreneurs

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If you'd ask my friends to go and watch movies with me, they'd tell you one thing. Sixty percent of the time, I walk out of the movie. I literally get up and walk out of the movie. I don't know anyone that walks out of movies more than I do, because I don't like to waste my time watching a movie without a point to it, and you can't keep my attention. To me, watching a movie is like reading a book for two hours. Give me a message! Move me! Tap into my emotions! I want to FEEL it.

The movies listed below are ones I would never walk out on. They are worth your time, and if you're an entrepreneur, each of them has a message for you.

#10: The Social Network — 1:42

#9: House of Cards 3:26

#8: GoodFellas – 5:31

#7: The Pursuit of Happyness – 6:54

#6: Cocktail 8:19

#5: Casino 11:21

#4: The Count of Monte Cristo 12:41

#3: American Gangster 14:50

#2: Rocky 17:32

#1: 20:33 The Godfather

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Schedule: New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday on a broad array of entrepreneurial topics. To see more videos from Entrepreneur Network partner, Patrick Bet-David check out VALUETAINMENT



  1. Robson Frank

    Hi, Patrick! I would like to say thank you very much for your videos. I see you as my virtual mentor, who guides me to keep on the right track. My mindset is focused on my goals because of you, you changed my life. I’m a Business student from Brazil. God bless you and your family. Thank you!

  2. Mario Carranza

    Patrick OMG! You listed 8 of my 10 favorite movies. And you are so right, there are strong messages in each of those movies, although I wasn’t looking at them as an entrepreneur. Patrick I am now a big fan of yours. Thank you so much for what you do for us, especially teaching an “ol’ dog” so many things I truly needed to learn in building my business. I am sure you are greatly appreciated by your subscribers.

  3. Kellington Link

    A brilliantly unique selection. Truly, a great list. My preference might have had Godfather 2. It is rare that a ‘sequel’ works, however the second story (I find) is much more of a complete movie. Thanks for the video. It was excellent.

  4. Panagiotis Papamichelakis

    Hello Pat!Im new to your channel and i have to say that you are amazing!Love the videos and i find the advice you give very helpful.Keep up the good work and you soon will hit more than 100k subs.Just some positive feedback from a 19years old fan.Keep inspiring people!

  5. Micah Buzan ANIMATION

    Great choices. Social Network inspired me to find a way to be a solo animator to avoid problems with people. The few people you work with, the more control you have over the creative process and the less chances for being screwed over. Pros and cons of course to both sides.

  6. Chris Johnson

    I would also recommend HOODLUM with Laurence Fishburne. It represents the importance of defending and maintaining the business empire you built. Also involves negotiation and forming alliances.

  7. Miro Zilaji

    Hey Patrick, I am really glad I bumped into your channel. I see that you “process” the movies similar as I do. I remember important quotes and use them in appropriate situations. Some of them I have on my phone as a “Audio Clip” and I listen to them countless times. One of the movies which has much dipper ideas than the whole movie “sounds” is Other Peoples Money. Good source of wise thinking,…

  8. Edgar Chowfin

    “remember the titans” another great movie to watch and learn when the community you live in is against you and in that atmosphere keeping your team united is surely an exceptional job

  9. katknip

    Whether you’re talking about movies or the rules of money, I always manage to gain something. Thank you so much for all the work you put into this channel. And “The Godfather” is definitely a great movie for any occasion. It even shows you how to be a great father. And “I Am Legend” sucks!

  10. Gabriel Ramos

    Patrick! 🙂 I just wanna thank you for giving me an inspiration to watch movies that are beneficial to me. Although, I am not a full entrepreneur yet ’cause I need to save an amount of money before starting a business, I know I am getting there as slow as a turtle but surely and absolutely.

    After watching this video, I can’t help but takes notes with every situation that the movies goes into and understand how characters handle it and the results that they get.

  11. Megat Afiq

    for me..Iron Man..I know its sound rubbish but Tony is very superb creative man. He have a mesmerizing idea..he also work hard..yes he is a billionaire but mostly he spend time in his workshop..The point is if u have a amazing idea..a crazy idea..with work hard you can get it

  12. Omar B

    Great movies! Thanks for sharing. I recommend watching Flash of a genius. True story about the inventor of the windshield wiper and how his idea was stolen, how he never gave up when going against big corporations to prove that he was the original inventor. I believe is a must watch for every entrepreneur. Very emotional and powerful movie.

  13. NiNi Na

    I would say the Lord of the Rings trilogy because on the one hand it starts with a very small undertaking at the beginning, a ring in an envelope. Only Gandalf suspects that it is more than a ring you can vanish with. At the end this small ring basically causes a war, alliances, etc. Everyone is after it as it is the epitomy of power, even kind people turn bad or even evil. This teaches you how to deal with the dark side of business, becoming too obsessed and crossing bad boundaries and losing or keeping your sense of ethics and how hard it is.

    Crossing boundaries and venturing into new territory is part of entrepreneurship, and very valuable, but you see it way too often that entrepreneurs totally lose their sense of ethics and community for the sake of their own company. A company becoming your identity as a person like the ring in e.g. Golum’s case is a risk many entrepreneurs face. And the ring also shows that something seeming so harmless and small can become the elephant in the room. It teaches you that if it is power you are after and that becomes your sole purpose, it will eat you alive.

  14. tonynature

    I am in total agreement when it comes to wasting time and life on meaningless media so I never watch shows but I happened to come across Silicon Valley which gave great insight on the tech world which happens to affect us all regardless I’d how alpha or geeky we are. I’m gonna check out House of Cards now.

  15. Sven Lukačić

    Hey Pat, I’m loving your content, it’s so full of stuff that you need in real life and not full of stuff that they are teaching us in school. Men, you should open your school haha. And I wanted to ask you, what do you think about Narcos? Personally, I think it has a lot of lessons of entrepreneurs, but I want to know what you think about it?

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